Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Beginning... Again.

I first started blogging 5 years ago.  I held strong with it, too, for a long time.  But after getting married and moving 2 years ago, I let that first blog die.  I miss that blog because it allowed me to vent my anger and frustration with the world, as well as share in the daily minutiae of my life.  As I've gotten older (and more jaded and cynical), I have that urge to start writing again. 

Since I'm just getting started on this site, I didn't really have a specific theme in mind for my first blog.  I really just wanted a placeholder.  So I decided to use my very first blog from long ago.  And weirdly enough, it still holds true.  So the below is the first blog I'd ever written (with updated remarks added in).  Without further ado, my blog:  Mindless Rants of a Blithering Idiot, Part II.

Okay, so here we go.

After holding off as long as possible, I've finally decided to (re)join what seems like a good portion of the youthful, modern, daring world. I've decided to get off my ass and post a blog site.

.oO(I can't believe I'm actually doing this.)  <--- You know what? Yes, I can.

See, thing is, I've been wanting to do something like this for a long time.  I really don't keep a diary per Se, but I've always seemed to have gotten some kind of cathartic release from writing out all of my misery, anger, confusion, and sometimes, just out and out inability to believe the stupidity that riddles our every day lives.

My friends tend to think that I am a funny fellow, for when I write, I usually tend to just vent my frustrations in a torrential stream of consciousness that flows out in one long ranting (hence the name for my space, "Mindless Rantings").  <-----  Now named "Simon Has A Problem"

Everyone said, "Ray (not my real name), your e-mails are funny. You should post these.", "Ray (not my real name), my friends love these. Write more!"  But I never did.  It was just for those times I felt like sharing, and just wanted some of my friends to feel my pain.

And now that blogging is the new, "cool" phenomenon that it is (was?), I too, like the mindless automaton that I am, am jumping on the bandwagon.  (I just hope I don't bruise my shins.)

And so here I am, like so many of you, baring my soul for the voyeuristic perverts our society is fast becoming (Too late. We're already here). If you wanna write back, cool.  If you don't, no biggie.  I really don't expect anything, anyway.  I guess this is all just a way to justify all of my other nonsensical musings.

This is the beginning of my blog.

You have been warned.